Nutrition & Diet
This is the foundation to achieving health and there are many plans to choose from that are right for you.
Is Your Diet Promoting Health?
Even if you’ve worked with a registered dietitian in the past, you likely have not worked with a functional dietitian. Just like any other type of health care provider, all dietitians subscribe to different nutrition philosophies and nutrition approaches. A functional dietitian is one that has let go of conventional philosophies that are outdated and ineffective at making real health improvements. Examples of outdated information include thinking that calories in = calories out, that a low-fat diet will prevent heart disease, follows government guidelines which are about 17 years behind new science, etc.
What a functional RD does focus on is that the foods we eat provide vital information to our epigenome which influences our genetic expressions, and therefore health. We focus on quality, balance of macronutrients, root cause of illness, environment, and above all, the holistic effect that diet has on your entire self.
Your diet can help these issues (and so much more!):
Obesity (for all ages)
Auto-immune diseases
Brain fog
Joint issues
IBS, IBD, any digestion issues
Systemic or localized inflammation
Cardiovascular disease
Cancer prevention and cancer treatment
Food allergies and intolerances
If you’re nervous about seeing a dietitian, just know that your food preferences, food budget, and time constraints will be taken in to account. Perfection isn’t expected, just making better decisions is a great start. Once you start feeling better, you will be incredibly motivated to continue!
Make an appointment with the dietitian by calling the office. Your first appointment will be 60 minutes. You will leave knowing exactly what changes you need to make to start feeling better right away!